Archive for July, 2012

Speaking Your Name

my lips utter your name vainly
a cool breeze the only caress
that will undress me tonight
thoughts of you scatter into
the universe and become starlight
brightening the darkness with
incomprehensible chatter
speaking in intricacies of time
for moments that seem eternal
I lose myself in the sight of
this radiantly shaded language
hearing my own light begin
to rise in unconscious accord
epiphanies resonate around me
and I begin to see myself as I am
an imperceptible speck of essence
a simple syllable within a word
within a language within a truth
that exists beyond my finite perceptions
enlightened… I drift away
transcending the impure patterns
of speech we accept as reality
allowing the purity of honesty
to teach me true communication
if only you were here with me tonight
listening to the unadulterated starlight
we could coexist within this world
of wordless understanding
where there would be no lips,
no names, no disconnection
absolutely nothing to utter in vain

L.o.v.e… The letters in love make liars out of lonely men who never learned to spell the word correctly.
L.i.a.r.s… Liars are not just devious men, liars are lazy minds with loose lips that let letters fall around them like dying leaves falling off trees. Leaves that lay in listless piles of apathy, littering the earth in a leafy layer of
L.i.e.s… Lies that leave no room for movement as they lament for the lives they could have been if only they had learned to use their letters correctly. If only they weren’t so
L.a.z.y… Too lazy to keep trying, they choose to settle for only leisurely lessons in their personal linguistics, learning little of their potential literary powers. Little do they realize their lax look on life deprives them of their
L.i.b.e.r.t.y… The liberty of limitless language. To learn, to labor, to love, to live, lucidly and without limitation. Instead they leave their livelihoods to luck.
L.u.c.k… The lazy liars lullaby, lucky lyrics of illusion that look a lot like logic until you realize they’re not; they are letters that leach life from lofty words and lend them to lesser listless terms like lust, you see,
L.u.s.t… will never spell
L.o.v.e… and they will never find
L.o.v.e… in
L.u.s.t… but they will keep trying; in the end they will only spell
L.o.n.e.l.y… Lonely is a word they will learn to spell quite well, leading them right back to
L.o.s.t… As luck would have it.

-Alisha Jael